Getting Started with Collecting Star Wars

Star Wars is a beloved classic that fans of all ages have been enjoying since 1977. From the original movies to the recent releases, Star Wars has been a popular series to collect. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual collector looking to add to your collection, here’s a guide to help you get started with collecting Star Wars.

Identify Your Interests

Before beginning your Star Wars collection, it’s important to identify your interests. Are you a fan of the original movies, or do you prefer the newer releases? Do you prefer collectibles such as action figures, or do you prefer books and comics? Identifying your interests will help you narrow down what type of items you should be looking for.

Start With Smaller Items

If you’re just getting started, it’s best to start with smaller, less expensive items. This will allow you to get a feel for what type of items are available, and what type of items you enjoy collecting. Smaller items such as comic books, trading cards, and action figures are a great way to start your collection.

Expand Your Collection

Once you’ve identified your interests and bought some smaller items to get started, you can begin expanding your collection. Consider looking into more expensive items such as original movie posters, autographed action figures, or rare books. You can also begin exploring different Star Wars-related items such as t-shirts, mugs, and jewelry.

Join a Community

The best way to get advice and stay up-to-date on the latest Star Wars collectibles is to join a community of fellow collectors. Look for forums, Facebook groups, and Instagram accounts dedicated to Star Wars collecting. Here, you can ask questions, get advice, and find out about the latest releases.


Collecting Star Wars is a great hobby for fans of all ages. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just a casual collector, there’s something for everyone. By identifying your interests, starting with smaller items, and expanding your collection, you’ll be on your way to building an impressive Star Wars collection. So, what are you waiting for? Start your collection today! 


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